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The Pursuit of Happyness,2006年,主角Will Smith




The Pursuit of Happyness,这个题目来自与美国的《自由宣言》


the Pursuit of Happyness写入其中,由此我将《自由宣言》中


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.





还有就是片中在救济院时大合唱的那首Lord,don't move that mountain




Lord,don't move that mountain

Lord don't move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don't move that stumbling block

But lead me Lord around it


The way may not be easy

You didn't say that it would be

But when my tribulations get too light

We turn to stay away from thee



Who cares we bring on to you

You told us that we could

But you have also tried and help themselves

And I believe that we should


Lord don't move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don't move that stumbling block

But lead me Lord around it